• Woman pornography

    In the common sense, pornography promotes desire and excitation, and this is not only for men. Several situations don't make women horny as it does for men, and the idea of list came up in the 90's. Basically, there are a number of rules to respect to make sure that women can enjoy, and it's all in the 'puzzy power manifesto'. It gives some clues about the representations of sexuality that can give pleasure. Here is a short list:

    no violence
    no degrading act
    no forced fellatio
    no hair pulled hard
    no cum squirted to face
    no close-up

    I hope that the content of my blog fit this description and I recommend everyone to try to follow those rules. Eroticism and sensuality should be accessible to men and women equally.

    Woman pornographyWoman pornographyWoman pornographyWoman pornographyWoman pornographyWoman pornographyWoman pornographyWoman pornographyWoman pornographyWoman pornographyWoman pornographyWoman pornography

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