About different kind of women
The following distinctions exist in the temperaments of women: the bilious, the melancholy, the sanguine, the phlegmatic, and the mixed. Those with a bilious or melancholy temperament are not much given to coitus, and like it only with men of the same disposition. Those who are sanguine or phlegmatic love coition to excess, and if they encounter a member, they would never let it leave their vulva if they could help it.
It has been observed that under all circumstances little women love coitus more and evince a stronger affection for the virile member than women of a large size. Only long and vigorous members suit them; in them they find the delight of their existence and of their couch (from 'the perfumed garden').Tags: kamasutra, woman porn, perfumed garden, sexuality, photography
1Panty-PrincessWednesday 25th January 2017 at 16:38Follow this article's comments RSS feed
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